Plutôt que de vous rendre de Nairobi à Mombasa en voiture, optez pour un voyage en train inoubliable qui vous permettra d’admirer la beauté époustouflante des paysages kényans. Traversez Nairobi et le parc national de Tsavo East et préparez-vous à observer des animaux et des paysages magnifiques tout au long du trajet. Avec un peu de chance, vous pourriez même apercevoir le majestueux Kilimandjaro au loin ! Alors, installez-vous confortablement, prenez de quoi grignoter et profitez d’un documentaire sur la nature en direct d’une durée de 4 heures et demie à bord de ce train.
Important details
- 37,- per person – Prices are subject to change
- The ride takes 4,5 hours when departing from Nairobi
- The ride takes 4 hours when departing from Amboseli
- See amazing landscapes during the ride!
Additional information
The recent elevated railway was built by the Chinese and opened in 2017. People were amazed by it at first, since it was never late leaving the station and always arrived in time on the other side.
Lunatic train
It was a huge contrast from the previous one-track train ride, that would leave hours late and take up to 24 hours with the train (or tracks) often breaking down along the way. It was called the Lunatic Train because of the patience one needed to have to endure it, but also because of the deplorable circumstances of the workers who built the train in the late 1900s. A famous story tells how dozens of them were killed by the famous man-eating lions of Tsavo.
The current train ride is very popular however and the transport of choice for many who travel between Kenya’s two main cities. It is now safe, pleasant and quick! Enjoy the ride!